So here are the reasons why it is stupid to try to get creationism, or as it is politically known today, un-Intelligent Design taught in public schools:
1. It's wrong, you’re wrong, your argument disproves itself:
If we are too perfect to have just happened by chance, therefore a superior being with a plan must have designed us that way, then who designed this higher, even more perfect designer? If we couldn't have just happened, then neither could the "intelligent being" who made us. The same logic has to apply.
2. There is no proof:
There is about as much fact and science to back this up as there is on the theory of how the ancient Sumerians were descendents of aliens bred with apes. Both have some written account, although the Sumerians text is at least first hand, unlike the Bible. Please show me one credible, accepted scientific article that proves, or offers any evidence for creationism. And I am not talking about just attacking one small part of natural selection; I want proof from your side, not someone discrediting something from my side.
3. I am always right, therefore, I must be right about this too
4. You can always send them to a Christian School or teach them yourself:
They would also teach your kid that the Earth has only been here for 10k years, so you can ignore the fossil records that conclude anatomically modern man didn't exist on this earth since the beginning of time and didn't show up in the fossil records until about 100,000 years ago. They would also skip over the part as to why there are several different races on this planet that are best suited for their geographic environments. Oh, I forgot, one of Noah's son's was black, one was white, one was Asian and the other was Middle Eastern. Oh, and since Native Americans didn't originally come from Asia, one of his son's wives must have been Cherokee.
5. You could move to Saudi Arabia or Iran where the teachers would be stoned if they taught evolution:
Of course, your kids would be subject to all their curriculum such as blowing themselves up, "America the Infidels", "Women are Men's servants", and "If you die for Allah, you get 70 virgins in Heaven." Do you see where I am going with this?
6. You wouldn't want us to force you to teach Evolution in Church would you? There is a time and place for everything; Science belongs in a class room, Mysticism and fantasy belongs in Babylon 5 episodes and Sunday school. Since you can't measure faith, dig up fossils of faith, or put it in a test tube, you can't put it in a science classroom.
A question for all the Intelligent Design people out there: If your "hypothesis" about a higher being than us being responsible for man is true, then exactly how do you propose we teach this in school?
Intelligent Design, a trick phrase creation scientists (a contradiction in terms) used to promote creationism, implies that a higher being, not necessarily God, created the world and man, or maybe just man, which is it? Does that mean, since you want all viewpoints given equal consideration, teachers must teach kids that it is possible that aliens colonized the Earth, spliced DNA and are responsible for creating humans, or that the Greek God's made us, or do we teach them that God created Adam and Eve? Intelligent Design, by definition, implies either. Again, there are ancient written accounts of all of these events, why give more validity to one and not the other? Is it just because one is more popular? Or is it just what you were taught by your parents?
If this solution is not acceptable to you then why don't you just call a spade a spade and stop camouflaging the term "Intelligent Design" and go back to creationism, Christianity, Adam and Steve or what ever you called it before all of this cloaked terminology you are trying to force down impressionable children's throats.
Do you really think we should replace a theory that is 90% complete with a hunch that is 0% complete? The Bible, written by man after the fact, doesn't count as proof.
Didn't we already settle this 80 years ago back in Tennessee?
Ooops, looks like Falcarius just got caught in the act of evolving from a dinosaur to a bird.
Falcarius Evolving