Tuesday, March 15, 2011

God is Causing Earth Quakes Again.

Not that there was any doubt as to how retarded Glenn Beck is but this takes the cake.

So when god takes a day off giving AIDS to babies in Africa, he "punishes" Japan with an earthquake to show them what a compassionate, loving god he is in hopes of them converting to Christianity...Makes about as much sense as Bin Laden flying planes into buildings trying to convince Americans to convert to Islam...But then again, it's Glenn Beck and he plays with his own poop.

And I find it interesting that within Christianity and Islam they tend towards god doing bad things and punishing people and being the evil, vengeful guy. You don't hear them when someone wins the lottery saying "He must have been doing something right in gods eye for rewarding him with the jackpot". So if your god is such a dick that he does these things, why would you worship him? What, just because he might throw a temper tantrum if you don't? That's who you want to spend eternity with?? I would rather be worm food or come back as a cow in India or something. What they should be asking is why would god let a catastrophe like this happen? And why not punish child molesters (AKA as gods priests) and child murderers and shit? And not only that, how do you explain all the flooding and tornado's in the Bible Belt?? Maybe that's Vishnu punishing the people of Arkansas for praying to a false god??

Clearly this quake had nothing to do with the North American and Pacific tectonic plates...No, nothing to do with that but god. What year is this? Does he still think you have to sacrifice virgins in order to get rain? Why do religious people always look to the supernatural before looking to science? Well, this is why they are more gullible and will believe shit like Jonah living in a whale and that you reduce the deficit with tax cuts.


dmarks said...

"Not that there was any doubt as to how retarded Glenn Beck..."

More hate speech against the mentally disabled.

Toad734 said...

I'm glad you finally realize Beck is mentally disabled.

And yes, lumping Beck in with mentally retarded people is an insult to them.

Anonymous said...

Toad, you only see the fundamentalist side of Christianity. That's why you hate it so much.

Toad734 said...

The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Until you moderates come out against the very verbal fundamentalist I have to assume you agree with what they are saying. It's no different than you saying "Muslims are violent and crazy" because a few of them in a remote, backwards, isolated, uneducated part of the world, killed westerners because some moron in Florida burned the Quran. The ones who give to charity and love America don't make the news and especially don't make it on Faux News.

Anonymous said...

WOW. You're just talking about different things. I left a comment, yet you give me an unrelated response.

Toad734 said...

No, you said I only see the fundamentalists and I said "the squeaky wheel gets the grease". Meaning, they are the ones who are on TV representing you, telling us the world is going to end, waving their bibles at gay people and soldiers funerals...You moderate Christians and Republicans have let your causes be hijacked by the crazies...Why do you think guys like Mitch Daniels decided not to run for President?? Because he wasn't crazy enough for the vocal part of your party.

Anonymous said...

Now you that's unrelated to what I said, just related to the topic. Those people aren't fully representing me, for I believe we should allow gay marriage.

Jake said...

Why do you say Glenn Beck is retarded? Is it because he has ADD(I don't actually know if he does, I just heard about it)? Because if that's the case, then WOW. Not his fault he's born with ADD.

Toad734 said...

No, it's because he doesn't know anything. He thinks Obama is a Nazi, that you reduce the debt with tax cuts and that you fight terrorism by invading and bombing Islamic countries...He's just an idiot...Name one thing he's been right about.

Jake said...

I only started watching his show about a couple of weeks ago, and it seems that he's been right about the Muslim brotherhood. And when he says things like "Obama is a nazi"(I haven't actually heard him say that) he doesn't mean it, he just thinks he doesn't have much support for Israel. Does Beck really want to bomb Islamic countries, because I just thought he wants to increase border patrol in Israel.