Friday, September 09, 2005

Brownie is Looking for a Heck of a Job

FEMA chief Michael Brown has been removed from the relief effort by the Chief of Homeland Security, the organization which manages FEMA. He will now probably go back to what he is qualified to do which is raising Arabian horses, not unlike Bush who is responsible for raising Arabian oil companies.

Well, this settles who was responsible for evacuation and preparation for natural disasters such as a hurricanes and floods, as the Mayor of New Orleans has yet to be fired.


Mike V. said...

"Hey, Brownie, go fall on your sword, m-f'er."

"Don't worry about it, we'll get you a medal later on."

Sandi said...

In your last post, in the comments, you put in part of the mission statement of the Homeland Security, so according to that shouldn't it be the head of the Homeland security fired. Don't get me wrong, they can fire them all and start over as far as I care, but I would like to see the 'top' person axed.

jim said...

Better than inpeaching Bush.

Wasn't it Bush who pushed for a $3 billion increase to FEMA in '02 and $6 billion more in '03?

NewsBlog 5000 said...

Brownie was a media scapegoat. Everytime something was done wrong, everytime they saw bodies floating in the flooded streets, they TALKED about it.

How dare they?

Nölff said...

I think the Bush administration is to blame for picking fellow tards to run the government.

Toad734 said...

RE: Sandy

Well the Dept. of Homeland Security has a lot of administrations that fall under their jurisdiction; in the event of a natural disaster FEMA is directly responsible but accountable to DHS. So if the head of DHS removes the head of FEMA that is taking responsibility. Everyone from the Mayor up to the President was somewhat negligent; everyone knew that New Orleans couldn’t handle anything over a category 3 and everyone knew this was going to be a 4 or stronger.
But as pointed out by 5000 he was just a scapegoat; someone had to be hanged.

Bill Fleming said...

I remember one of the first times Brownie was on TV after the flood saying how he didn't want people having to stay in tent cities very long. (Yeah, right Mike.)

Toad734 said...

RE JDennis

What do you mean by Wal-Mart; I don't think they let those people loot the store. Are they doing something I am not aware of other than not arresting people taking stuff from their stores??

Toad734 said...

How ironic is it that Wal-Mart is sending shoes to Hurricane victims with no shoes, made by people who couldn't afford shoes because they make shoes for Wal-Mart.

Not to mention all the people who already looted a bunch of shoes out of the Wal-Mart store.

I wonder what the equivalent number would be when you compare Wal-Marts profits to the value of what they donated; Ill bet it comes out be be like 15 bucks for someone making $40,000 per year

Ryan said...

This situation with Brownie is pretty ridiculous even for a fantasyland crony appointee of president Bush.

The new guy, Paulison I think his name is, isn't any prize either though. I just read that he was the guy who in 2001 2002 during the anthrax madness advised Americans to go out and stock up on plastic sheeting and duct tape to seal and protect a home in the case of a dirty bomb or a like attack.