Why do Conservatives obsess over gay sex so much? Yes, the thought of two guys jackhammering each other is disgusting, so here's an idea, QUIT THINKING ABOUT IT!
You know what else is disgusting, two fat, toothless, hairy, redneck, heterosexual couples having sex in a hot trailer, so you know what I do about it? Nothing, and I try not to think about it. As long as its happening at the McDonalds drive thru outside of Jackson, MS It doesn't affect me.
I'll bet Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson think about gay sex more than all the Village People and the broadway musical cast of Cats, put together.
..."Oh lordy, I can just imaginge what those two guys are going to do to each other when they get home"..."Oh Yes, I can picture it now.".."Better get the law books out"
"I guess I'll call my friend Reverend Moon now and bribe him for some more money"..."Where's Pat when you need him?" ..."Those gays are going to hell for this"
The rainbow text at the end is a nice touch.
my problem with neo-conservative religious zealots and their take on gay sex (obviously on two men, because they always downplay two women in typical male fashion)is that it always has to do with perversion. They constantly talk about how "there couldn't possibly be any love involved, because it's not straight sex". Well, that's not true. I make love to my boyfriend, and it's not some disgusting act that should be banned. We've been together for almost three years now, which is more than I can say for a lot of straight MARRIAGES, and we have been completely manogamous the whole time (much to the dismay of conservative christians). So, I think that it will be a long time coming for them to accept this as "love", because it is beyond their understanding. It does not compute with their prior brainwashing.
Other than the disgust factor, I have no problem with gay men living together. Heck, some of my friends are gay, and it doesn't bother me at all.
However, if they'd keep it in the bedroom, it wouldn't be a problem.
If the gay crowd wants marriage, then leave the courts, stop calling it a civil rights case, stop treating yourself like a racial minority, and march your arse to washington and get your legislator's to put it to a vote. If it passes with a majority, everybody but Fallwell will shut his mouth.
We are a land of laws, legislator's make laws, not the courts. The courts are interpreters.
Do you really think they would shut their mouths?
The Gay taskforce, probably not. Any normal, sane, (Who am I kidding?), and ethical person who votes how he really feels.
Yes, I think so.
Anyone else would be a hypocrite.
But then, those that don't vote, should shut up.
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