Tuesday, June 21, 2011

What He Said


What he says is what I have been saying since forever ago. Jesus never addresses homosexuality and when it is condemned in the Old Testament, it's on the same page where it also condemns eating shellfish and having sex with your wife on her period. And then of course the only place it is addressed in the New Testament, by Paul, not Jesus, it only condemns male homosexuality and then in the same breath condemns short hair on Women and long hair on Men. And as he states, in many places in the Bible divorce is condemned by several people including Jesus yet the Bible belt, which is the most homophobic part of the country, leads the nation in divorce rates. So, there is a lot of hypocrisy out there.


BB-Idaho said...

Well, gosh...THAT sounds like something to build and entire political party around....

Jake said...

I'm a conservative, but I think gay marriage should be legalized... At least with gay marriage, no one can get knocked up!XD