Friday, August 20, 2010

Forget the People...For the Corporation by The Corporation

Since "For the people by the people" is apparently an outdated concept and the conservative activist judges on the Supreme Court ruled that corporations are the same as people (which almost means the people who own the corporations get to vote twice), I guess we can look on the bright side and can now know which stores and corporations not to support based on who they are supporting. But don't worry Target, I am sure you will buy some more judges soon and make a law that keeps the public from finding out who you contribute to.


dmarks said...

I support the people associated with Target in their expression of their First Amendment rights. Thanks to the recent Supreme Court ruling, people can't be denied free speech rights due to their association with organizations.

No judges were bought. But enough of them did read the First Amendment. Which says nothing like "....except when the speech concerns those in power, and the people speaking have chosen to associate with organizations."

If you don't like what someone says, ignore it. Don't censor it.

Toad734 said...

I am not saying that someones freedom of speech should be denied due to their association with an organization; what I am upset about is that the people who are exercising their free speech individually on their own (which included the board and CEO of Target) they now get to do it twice as many times as I can as their corporation has been deemed "people" by the activist judges on the Supreme Court.

I just can't wait until the Unions start funding their candidates and watch the right squirm...I know you will have a very different opinion of this ruling when the tables are turned.

I'm not going to ignore it, I am going to stop shopping there.

The founding fathers never envisioned this country being run by corporations, in fact, they envisioned this country to be run for the people by the people.

So here is what I am going to do, I am going to contribute my personal allowed limit to my favorite Candidate and or political action group and vote for them and then I am going to set up 100 different companies of my own and each of them are going to contribute their max as well...You know since, all I have to do is create a corporation and it is suddenly a person.

I like how you call a zygote a baby and a corporation a some point you are going to have to figure out what it takes to make something an actual person.

dmarks said...

There is absolutely nothing in the First Amendment to censor those who supposedly speak "twice as many times". If there were, newspapers could easily be banned and wiped out.

For crying out loud, if you don't like what someone says, ignore it. Get over it. Don't censor it.

I actually don't agree with the part of the ruling that says a corporation is a person. But the part allowing free speech is spot on, and Constitutionally-informed.

Would you have agreed with this Supreme Court ruling if it got rid of the censorship, but did not declare a corporation the same as a person?

And yes, I will call a young human being (an actual person) a baby. Because I am informced about biology, and am not bloodthirsty and looking for excuses to dehumanize people so they can be killed at will.

Whether or not they are very young, gay, black, or any other reasons that have been used to kill other human beings.

Toad734 said...

What censorship?? Anyone at Target is free to say what they want when they want. And no, Target isn't a person but the people who own Target now get to treat it like a person. They can max out their own personal campaign contributions and then more than double that by giving to the same people/groups with Targets much larger fund. What's next, you want to give Target the right to vote as well? Maybe we should make them eligible for the draft and send them to Afghanistan to fight or serve jury duty...Until they do those things, they don't get the rights I get as an American because, guess what, Target isn't an American, all their shit is made in China.

And by the way, I find it ironic that you would be for Targets "1st amendment rights" but against the Muslims first amendment rights. Very convenient how you pick and choose.

An embryo is a clump of cells, not a baby. The thing with the diaper that eats, cries, sleeps, shits, breathes, feels pain, etc...That's a baby...The stuff at the tip of my condom...Not a baby.

dmarks said...

No quotes needed around the first amendment rights that you want censored just because the target of censorship is associated with Target.

Your references to corporations voting is silly, misleading, and distracting. The First Amendment protects the right of free speech, period.

"And by the way, I find it ironic that you would be for Targets "1st amendment rights" but against the Muslims first amendment rights. Very convenient how you pick and choose."

Caught you in a whopper. Quote me ONE thing where I said I opposed the mosque. One thing!

Toad734 said...

"The First Amendment protects the right of free speech, period."

Not true. First of all, those are rights give to people, 2nd, I can't yell fire in a crowded theater or slander you and people can't say fuck on TV so no, freedom of speech isn't freedom of speech, period. THere are a log of question marks actually.

Again, I don't mind anyone at target voting for whomever they want and donating whatever money they want to political candidates and they have the right to do so and I honor their right to do so. The problem is that they get to do it twice with this supreme court ruling. So are you saying that the founding father intended for rich people who own corporations to get double the rights as you and I? And again, the freedoms I have to vote and donate to candidates come at a cost of me having to served jury duty and register for selective service. When Target can get drafted into a war, then they can have the rights bestowed to the people.

dmarks said...

"those are rights given to people"

Not an issue, since the people censored by McCain Feingold are people.

"Again, I don't mind anyone at target voting for whomever they want and donating whatever money they want to political candidates"

In principle, I don't mind limitations on donations to political candidates. It's when you start to censor that I object.

"So are you saying that the founding father intended for rich people who own corporations to get double the rights as you and I?"

The founding fathers made the Bill of Rights in a situation where there were newspaer owners who had louder "voice" then others. So it is what I am saying, because it is true.

And you know as well as I do that the First Amendment was put their MAINLY to protect the right of people to criticize rulers.

"When Target can get drafted into a war, then they can have the rights bestowed to the people."

Might as well get rid of the entire First Amendment then. Because NOBODY can be drafted for a war. And if we do get the draft back, it is likely that women will not be subject to it. Seniors will not be, of course. So in your situation women and seniors will have to be silent.

Seriously, you need some Constitutional literacy lessons.

Toad734 said...

But all those people you mentioned can still serve their country in Jury Duty...something Target also doesn't have to do.

What people were censored under McCain Feingold? Everyone in the country still had the right to vote and say what they wanted and worship who they want, no one was getting censored. Censoring is telling someone they can't say something; not being able to give a guy all your money to make laws on your behalf is not censorship.