Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Funny, Racist, Conspiracy Nut, Republicans

Soooo, this is a forum on health care which turned into a conspiracy theory gathering and then a Pledge Of the fucking Allegiance session...for some fucking reason! This was just a couple of days ago, not during the election when everyone thought Obama was an Arab Muslim terrorist who hated white people. What the hell is wrong with these people...aside from them being uneducated, ignorant morons, of course. I mean, just call him a nigger and get it over with. Is this all they have? So he has a funny sounding name, what other evidence do you have that he wasn't born in the US? And lady, providing us with your birth certificate doesn't make Obama's fake. Do you really think he would have been sworn in without a birth certificate?

These people are out there and they are armed and they think Jesus wants them to kill liberals, foreigners, Muslims, etc....Think about it. Maybe we should start forming liberal militias???

Certificate with stamp
Raised seal:
Raised Seal
1961 news paper birth announcement:
Birth Announcement

If anyone can produce as much proof for John McCain's or George Bush's citizenship I would be surprised. Wait, wasn't it John McCain who was actually not born in the United States???


Mike V. said...

I keep trying to view this through the lens of a sane person.
Unfortunately, you can't.
It's making something out of nothing for that base of people that are fucking whacked out of their skulls.
It's the republicans trying to do something to stay in the news.
Here's the real problem, the dems have everything sewn up and they STILL are not pushing much of a real game-changing agenda through.
Why the hell is that?
We need more Kucinich, less Pelosi..

dmarks said...

We need less Kucinich, that's for sure. He's quite the clueles hatemonger, and always votes in favor of increasing the power of the ruling class at the expense of the people.

We need more of the "Blue Dogs". Democrats who are remembering that the public interest is more important than party loyalty

Anyway, as for "not during the election when everyone thought Obama was an Arab Muslim terrorist who hated white people"

Well, the Hillary Clinton primary campaign did think this, and sent out an email saying it.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Despite the evidence, the right will continue to beat this crap to death. It's working for them also. Over half the republicans think President Obama is not a real citizen.

The hate mongers will follow anyone that tells them what they want to hear.

Toad734 said...

Actually its about 46% I think. I think Obama should let it get to about 60% and let all the wackos like Limbaugh, Coulter, Beck and what not convince themselves of it and then put the smack down and make them look like idiots...I mean, bigger idiots than what they already make themselves look like.