Thursday, June 29, 2006

Religious Conservatives Want Women to Die of Cancer

Thursday, June 29, 2006; Posted: 12:11 p.m. EDT
From CNN Health:

ATLANTA, Georgia (AP) -- An influential government advisory committee Thursday recommended the routine vaccination of 11- and 12-year-old girls against the sexually transmitted virus that causes cervical cancer.

The Family Research Council (who also thinks condoms are a bad Idea) has this to say: “Because parents have an inherent right to be the primary educator and decision maker regarding their children’s health, we would oppose any measures to legally require vaccination." Apparently, death and disease is better than pre-marital sex.

Bridget Maher, also from the Family Research Council also had this informative "fact" to share:"Giving the HPV vaccine to young women could be potentially harmful because they may see it as a license to engage in premarital sex." Yes, because no one is afraid of getting pregnant or getting AIDS and Herpes. Most people don't even know what HPV is, especially most teenagers. Hell, I didn't even know what HPV was until I dated a girl who worked for the Society of Gynecological Oncologists and I am a sexually active 32 year old man. I don't think that when they hand out this vaccination there is going to be a prescription with it telling 15 year old girls to fuck as many boys as they can because they are now immune to just one of the ten major STD's. I should also mention that some types of HPV can also be spread through non-sexual contact such as clothing.

Here is what the FDA has to say about it: "The vaccine appears to be 100% effective at protecting against the most prevalent viruses that cause cervical cancer."

Over 50% of all sexually active people in the US will be infected with HPV within their lifetime. According to Planned Parenthood , HPV is present in 93% of all cases of cervical cancer. Cervical cancer is the second most prevalent cancer killer among women in America, affecting nearly 14,000 each year. Twenty-eight percent (4000) of the women affected with cervical cancer die every year. If parents really cared about their children, wouldn't they want to protect them from cancer if they had the chance and there were no known risks in doing so? Protecting a teenager from having sex is like trying to protect a fish from getting wet; that is what their bodies are designed to do. What do you think puberty is all about?

Again, educated and liberal people, doctors and drug companies are not all involved in a conspiracy to get your 16 year old daughter to have sex. That is not liberal doctrine, it's not even Planned Parenthoods doctrine. They simply do not have their heads up their ass and realize that you are a shitty parent and that your 16 year old daughter has probably had more sexual partners than you ever dreamed of having. They also realize that kids who pledge abstinence still have the same rate of unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections, as the ones who don't.

Does the Flu vaccine make people run out into the street kissing homeless men in the middle of winter? No. If we were all given rabies vaccinations do you think people would start attacking raccoons and wild dogs? Of course not.

When it comes to health and science listen to the experts. Don't take medical advice from people who think women come from men's ribs.


Mike V. said...

I'll give the religious freaks this, they sure know how to latch on to the most odd fucking things to make themselves look stupid in the eyes of anyone with a brain.

Bad thing, though, is that your garden variety rethuglican will also glom onto this in an effort to rally the troops, or whatever.

Tom Harper said...

Promiscuity is evil! Cancer is a small price to pay for violating the Will of God :)

Nölff said...

That's an eye opener. I think these fundamentalists will eventually feel a backlash.

Toad734 said...


Brilliant insight. Thanks for the input.

I assume when you say that sex is evil that you still think war is Godly? Which is worse, killing people or making them feel good?

Toad734 said...


So does this mean you would want your daughter to get Cancer if she had sex or got raped by someone with HPV?

Anonymous said...

This is from the same people that bring you abstanence only education, that actually leads to an increase in teenage pregnancy.
I guess there'll be more of them but they'll die sooner.
I love the christian right. What other group in this country is so arrogant about their own ignorance.

Nölff said...

Where did my comment go?

Expect a backlash from all this ignorance. They bitch about commies and control womens bodies.

Nölff said...

Your comments box is acting a little strange.

Toad734 said...

well if you weren't such a moonbat...

lilmammal said...

Well those harlots get what's coming!

Tom Harper said...

Ahem -- just to set the record straight, my comment (the 2nd one) was tongue-in-cheek. I put that smiley sign at the end to indicate that. Sorry for any misunderstanding.

Toad734 said...

Ahh, I see. Well then my comment was for people who really feel that way of which there are plenty.

Mike's America said...


Toad734 said...

Way to address the issues Mike.

You always have something informative to say.

Nölff said...

keg: "Liberal media"
What liberal media? Is that liberal-jew conspiracy? The backlash I'm talking about is when people smell the bullshit fundalmentalsts saying that anybody that disagrees with people like you hates America. I love America...not mike's america.

I guess we should all watch FOX news toss the Bush-admin's salad.

Mike's America: really? Wow you really showed those moonbats.

I'm better at making fun of people than you are slick. I challenge you to a contest. I'll start it off:

* mike's america is in the Klu Klux Klan.
* mike's america left testicle is 32.8759% larger than his right testicle.
* mike's america is an embarrassment to everyone with the first name: Mike.
* mike's america eats boogers.
* mike's america smokes crack every once in a while.
* mike's america eats black babies.
* mike's america eats doo-doo ball sandwiches too.
I know this because you wrote it in your dairy with pink letters.
For such a prestige kind of guy I think you suck floppy dicks all day. Great argument by the way. Go tell everyone you told us off.

And while you at it try to get your nipples stuck in a helicopter blade like I told you.

Toad734 said...

Ya its true I was at Hilton Head; I saw him eat a doo-doo ball sandwich myself.

lilmammal said...

I sold him crack once.

Anonymous said...

Once upon a time in India, loose women were burned. I think it's time to rediscover this technique. It is the only way to keep our country safe and sane.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I did not read the tone of your voice. I'm an angry person that lives in South Carolina. I do get sarsasm. My Gradfather's name is Sarcas.

I'm so use to people saying: blah blah liberals blah media and I read beetween the lines. I do that a lot becouse I usually know what they are going to say and it takes a effort to read jibba jibba. I mistook you for someone else. I hate the people that actually talk like so so much. You can't tell shit to people like that.

Backlash? Mike's America and Pat Robertson and Buchanan are beginning to embarrass themselves. They do more harm than good to their party... And wait till Jimmy Carter dies so everyone can exploit him. I'm optomistic OK. SO eat a chilli dog.

I live in fundamentalist capital of the US and people are beginning to wake up around here.

Nölff said...

That was me.

Mike V. said...

am I the only person that finds that picture of Mike with Reagan one of the creepiest pictures ever?

that shit eating grin is just too much.

then again, I'm still wondering what a Reagan republican sees in W.

Mike V. said...

Oh, and on the subject of religious freaks, I posted about the morons that are mad at Buffett for donating billions to the Gates Foundation.
Why, you ask?
Because they deal with Planned Parenthood and other international birth control issues.
Fucking idiots..

Anonymous said...

JUST POSTED ON Mike's site-he might delete

Grant said...

As long as the religionists apply this philosophy to themselves, aren't they just thinning their own ranks? If so, I'm all in favor of it. Now if we can just convince them to drink battery acid instead of wine as the sacrament, the world will be a brighter place. =)

Sonic Reducer said...

So are you saying I have a better shot at nailing cancer chicks cause they're sluts?

Thanks for the tip...

Sonic Reducer said...

I like how Mike's About Me is in third person. Nice job douchebag.

Mike V. said...

Third person rules.

Toad734 said...

Ya it sounds like something for a band bio not some guy sitting around in the assisted living ward.

worky said...

great post, thank you

Anonymous said...

My grandfather's name was Gaylord.

msliberty said...

I just found your blog after doing a search for "Halliburton Stock Prices" in Google Images.

I'll be back. Frequently!