Unlike these radical fringe groups such as Stop the ACLU, Focus on the Family, and most Christian organizations in general, the ACLU doesn't set out to just protect the civil liberties of the people they agree with, but to protect everyone's freedoms.
From the ACLU website:
"In celebrated cases, the ACLU has stood up for everyone from Oliver North to the National Socialist Party. In spite of all that, the ACLU has never advocated Christianity, ritual animal sacrifice, trading arms for hostages or genocide..."
Here is the proof to all these numbnuts that they have nothing to bitch about and are just a bunch of paranoid delusionals:
April 2002: Falwell vs Lynchburg,VA in religious property dispute.
August 2004: Church of the Awesome God vs Lincoln, NE for religious harassment by the city
May 2005: Religious freedom for an asylum seeker regarding head wear
December 2004: Jurors can't be discriminated against for being demonstrative about their religion
July 2004, Catholic sent to jail for not being Pentecostal and refusing to attend their faith based treatment sessions
November 20, 2004: ACLU of Nevada supports free speech rights of evangelists to preach on the sidewalks of the strip in Las Vegas
July 10, 2004: Indiana Civil Liberties Union defends the rights of a Baptist minister to preach his message on public streets
June 2004: ACLU of Nebraska files a lawsuit on behalf of a Muslim woman barred from a public pool because she refused to wear a swimsuit
May 27, 2004: Under pressure from the ACLU of Virginia, officials agree not to prohibit baptisms on public property in Falmouth Waterside Park in Stafford County
May 11, 2004: After ACLU of Michigan intervened on behalf of a Christian Valedictorian, a public high school agrees to stop censoring religious yearbook entries
March 25, 2004: ACLU of Washington defends an Evangelical minister's right to preach on sidewalks
February 21, 2003: ACLU of Massachusetts defends students punished for distributing candy canes with religious messages
October 28, 2002: ACLU defends Baptist Church in zoning discrimination
July 2002: ACLU supports right of Iowa students to distribute Christian literature at school
January 2002: ACLU defends Christian church's right to advertise on public transit
April 29, 2005: ACLU defends two Christian girls who wore anti-abortion shirts to school
Why haven't you ever heard from a Christian group defending rap lyrics, porn publishers or Marilyn Manson? Because they are biased groups who care nothing about our form of government, our way of life, our constitution or the intentions of our founding fathers. The only thing they care about is their rights and their agendas. If laws were passed that forced everyone to convert to their form of Christianity and to live like they do, the majority of them would support it. Why is it so hard for these groups to go both ways and see both sides? Why is the ACLU the only one defending our freedoms and the principals that made this country what it is today? Focus on the Family does not care about your freedoms and your rights unless you are a pro-life, conservative Christian who believes everything the Republicans tell them.
Other things these ACLU Communists would have objected to only to be called anti-American:
Alien and Sedition Act of 1798 which allowed the US to deport anyone of the same nationality as our "enemies", or other "dangerous" people and prohibited anyone from publishing "scandalous" statements about our government.
Lincoln's closures of dissenting news publications and suspension of Habeas Corpus in 1861.
Executive Order 9066 in 1942 sending 110,000 people of Japanese ancestry to isolated internment camps, over half of which were American born.
Anyone that would disagree with any of the above are clearly America hating communists!